
This site exists because of the generous amount of time and dedication the forum members of RsWarrior.com have put in to create a collective of knowledge about our beloved Yamaha Roadstar (Star) Warrior 1700cc Power Cruiser.

Over the years, a great collection was created and regrettably lost when it was converted from one web format to another. It took an amazing amount of time to put these documents and file back together. So, I wanted to create something that was outside the forum that will never go away, no matter what.

I am always looking for more content to add to the site. If you have a DIY writeup (with pictures...we love pictures), a PowerCommander Map, or anything else you would like to donate that could someday help someone in regards to our motorcycle, please email it to Admin@RsWarriorDocs.com

Copyright 2011 RobRiguez.